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30-11-2010 23:54
  Preparado em 06/04/2010 por Caruso Samel 1. Você, com sua capacidade para filosofar, escreveu um livro excelente, o "Reflexões sobre os sentimentos". 26/07/2004. Dra. Glaci Ribeiro da Silva "Glaci Ribeiro da Silva" 2. Já lemos seu livro Reflexões Sobre os...

References Chapter Eight

30-11-2010 21:15
  1. Mattos, Luiz de - Pela Verdade - A Ação do Espírito Sobre a Matéria (Na Verdade - a acção do Espírito sobre a Matéria). 9a ed. Rio de Janeiro: Centro Redentor, de 1983. p 216 2. Mattos, Luiz de. Racionalismo Cristão. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Redentor Centro, 1984. 3....

Sheldrake and the Morphogenetic Field Theory

30-11-2010 21:13
Rupert Sheldrake (1942–) is son of a traditional English family. He studied vegetal physiology and philosophy, at Cambridge and Harvard (12). He, as a researcher membership of the famous Royal Society, developed a scientific project on aging cells. He was also invited-professor in...

Amit Goswami´s Self-Aware Universe or Monistic Idealism

30-11-2010 21:11
Natural from India, Amit Goswami is an experienced physicist living in the United States of America. He is a nuclear physicist, professor at the Oregon University, and Doctor at the Institute of Abstract Sciences in Sausalito, California. What we go to present was based on his book The Self-Aware...

Karl Pribam´s Holographic Theory Applicable to the Brain

30-11-2010 21:09
David Bohm was not the unique to adopt the ideas of a holographic universe. Karl Pribam (5, 6), neurophysiologist and researcher at the Stanford University (USA), also convinced himself about the holographic nature of the reality and applied David Bohm´s model to examine how and where the ...

David Bohm and His Theory of the Implicit Order

30-11-2010 21:07
Deceased in 1992, David Bohm (3) was one of the main American physicists with deep knowledge of The Quantum Theory in 20th century. He worked at the University of California (Berkeley), at the Institute Princeton of Advanced Studies, and as professor of Theoretical Physics at the Birkbeck...

Alain Aspect and his Fantastic Quantum Experience

30-11-2010 21:05
The first ideas that led to the knowledge of the quantum physics had beginning around 1900. In 1925, the equations of the quantum mechanics had been discovered, and the quantum physics became accepted as source of the truth for scientists. Thereafter, the knowledge of the intimate part of the...


30-11-2010 21:03
An invisible world of the spirit must exist that makes with that changes in the world of the matter occurs, and the evolution of this planet must receive orientation and external aid of superior and invisible intelligences, to which man is susceptible while spiritual being. Moreover,...

Chapter Three, References

30-11-2010 21:00
1. Sakall, Sergio. Darwin. Página visitada em 8 de agosto de 2005 a partir de: 2. Marcelo Leite, e Mirsky, Steve. Ernest Mayr Pará, Biologia Nao Se Reduz Às Ciências Físicas. (Entrevista EAo 100 Anos). Página visitada em 28...

The Evolution of the Species – Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism

30-11-2010 20:57
Although Charles Darwin, in his work The Origin of the Species, have not approached the problem of the origin of life directly, with his long journey of more than five years in the Beagle around the world, and after exhausting comparative studies based on the variations of species, he...
Itens: 121 - 130 de 145
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